Andrea Larsen


How do you create your own reality, what do you put in it, what do you love? Joy of creating and loving, colours of calm and beauty, people and poses to create a reality, Spaces within a space and real within fake environments. Are spaces always to make sense and be perfect? Can a painting make sense in a real but unreal space. Does a dress make a woman? What do patterns do for the eyes, do they hurt, are they calming, are they pretty? Patterns and colours and representations of women and girls, do they make a painting. Building constructs and motifs of the photographed image, do they make you feel? Are they better or worse than real life? Why do patterns feel good? What does repetition do? Why my daughter? Is she a representation of me, or is she following in my footsteps, with pretty dresses and pretty hair and a pretty face. Is she a housewife or am I the unacceptable housewife. Wonderland is wonderful and exceptional and unreal, do I want her to go down the rabbit hole? Mothers want the best for their children, but children are also a version of yourself. 

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My Mental Institution (2022), 48″x36″, oil on canvas.

Surrender (2021), 24″x24″, pastel on pastel paper.

Anticipation (2021), 26″x20″, pastel on pastel paper.

Growth Within Confinement (2022), 48″x36″, oil on linen.

remember to turn the lights off on your way out | Bachelor of Fine Arts 2022