Mikylie Shapka
My work focuses on where my heart leads me and where my mind is most fascinated; sublime existentialism, grief, and love. These are the unknowns and greater truths in life that I find most profound. Through the process of mark making and adventure I am able to experiment and add a playfulness to my work, while exploring my own identity and Ukrainian culture. To create I rely heavily on being intuitive and it is important for me to be grounded in the cyclical nature of this world both physically and spiritually.
instagram @mikylieshapka

Memory Eternal (2021), 28.5″x23″, acrylic on unstretched canvas.

Fox and Bear Picnic with the Stars, 18″x24″, lithograph print.

Cyclically Relentless (2021), 3’x2’x2′, found objects (skull, bones, rocks), heirloom textile, orange peels, stick n poke tattoo.

Reciprocity (2022), 3.5’x4′, acrylic on wood.
remember to turn the lights off on your way out | Bachelor of Fine Arts 2022